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Course Information

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Basic Life Support

Basic Life Support Renewal/Recertification  (approximately3 hours)


Certification valid for one year through either Heart & Stroke or the Life Saving Society


BLS (formerly known as Health Care Provider CPR C/AED) is the foundation for saving lives after cardiac arrest.  It is designed for healthcare providers and trained first responders who work in a wide variety of settings or those in a healthcare training program.  The new Heart & Stroke BLS course is an instructor-led course that teaches both single-rescuer and team basic life support skills for use in both in-facility and pre-hospital settings, with a focus on high-quality CPR and team dynamics.


The BLS course focuses on building knowledge so you are confident and ready to perform high-quality CPR in a wide variety of settings. The course covers:


  • Chain of Survival

  • 1-rescuer / 2-rescuer CPR (adult, child, and infant)

  • High-quality chest compressions with a feedback device

  • Multi-rescuer team CPR

  • Adult, Child and Infant CPR and relief of choking

  • Use of an AED

  • Effective ventilations using a barrier device and bag-mask device

  • NEW: Role of the CPR coach, Maternal cardiac arrest, Anaphylaxis, Drowning, Heart attack, Stroke, Choking, and Other life-threatening emergencies


This course is aimed at healthcare providers who provide care to patients in a variety of both in-facility and pre-hospital settings or by those that require BLS certification and CPR training to enter into a healthcare related training program (doctors, nurses, medical students, licensed practical nurses, dentists, dental hygienists, naturopaths, respiratory therapists, occupational therapists, paramedics, firemen, sports medicine, hospital porters, surgeons, any profession that practices sedation just to name a few occupations, etc.)


Please note:  The Heart and Stroke BLS course is the only acceptable pre-requisite course for those going on to the Heart and Stroke ACLS course.

CPR-C with AED

CPR-C with AED  (approx 5 hrs)

CPR-C with AED Recertification  (approx 4 hrs)

Certification valid for 3 years 




CPR-C with AED (the shock machine) is the foundation for all first aid courses.  This course prepares the student on how to save a life.  The essentials are practiced such as how to and when to call 911, recognizing the signs of an emergency, recognizing unresponsiveness, signs of a heart attack or stroke, how to provide care to someone who is choking, and perform CPR.  CPR C with AED teaches the skills needed to help adults, children, and infants.

Image by P. L.
Image by Diana Polekhina

Emergency First Aid (CPR-C with AED)

Emergency First Aid with CPR-C and AED  (approximately 8 hours)


Emergency First Aid is WorkSafe BC Occupational Level 1 Equivalent

Certification valid for 3 years through the Life Saving Society


Building upon the skills from CPR-C with AED, Emergency First Aid dives deeper in to topics such as how to recognize and react to an emergency, how to call for help, helping someone who is partially choking, relieving an airway, helping someone who is unresponsive, recognizing signs of a heart attack or stroke, internal and external bleeding, signs of an asthma attack, life-threatening allergies (anaphylaxis), and basic wound care.  This course involves lots of hands-on practice and further enhancing skills.​​​

Emergency First Aid Child
& Residential Care (CPR-C with AED)

Emergency First Aid Child & Residential Care  (approximately 9.5 hours) Emergency First Aid Child & Residential Care is WorkSafe BC Occupational Level 1 Equivalent.  Certification valid for 3 years through the Life Saving Society.


This course is designed for those working in the childcare, home care or residential care industry.  Topics in this course apply to everyone, with a special focus on children and infants.  Things you will learn and practice include everything Emergency First Aid has to offer, and also includes concussions, bone and joint injuries, diabetes, seizures, heat and cold illnesses (heat stroke and hypothermia), and poisons.

Image by Derek Finch
Image by Diana Polekhina
Image by Diana Polekhina

Standard First Aid
(CPR-C with AED)

Standard First Aid with CPR-C and AED Recertification  (approximately 8 hours)

Standard First Aid is WorkSafe BC Occupational Level 1 Equivalent

Certification valid for 3 years through the Life Saving Society


This is the most comprehensive first aid class offered.  Students will have lots of hands-on practice and real life scenarios with learning everything such as introduction to first aid, communication, the rescue process, primary assessment, recognizing shock, levels of consciousness, secondary assessment, airway, breathing, circulation, CPR - effective compressions and ventilations, obstructed airway, using an AED, two-rescuer CPR, asthma, anaphylaxis, recognizing signs of a heart attack or stroke, internal and external bleeding, diabetes, seizures, sprains and strains, concussions, burns, minor wounds, mental health, opioid poisoning, heat and cold injuries, as well as poisoning.  Standard first aid practices scenarios for adults, children, and infants.

Image by Diana Polekhina

Basic First Aid Workshop

Basic First Aid Workshop - approximately 2 hours

No certification issued - information only

No written test!


Are you a parent, grandparent, or caregiver and want to brush up on your basic first aid skills?  Or maybe you would just like to be prepared "in case" something happens.  This 2-hour workshop covers:


- how to recognize an emergency and when to call 911

- unconscious baby/child/adult

- partial choking for baby/child/adult

- complete choking for baby/child/adult

- CPR skills

- anaphylaxis (severe allergy)

- seizures

- burns

- poisons


No formal certification will be issued - this is knowledge only, and therefore a condensed class.  Make this a fun yet informative time - gather family and friends to learn these valuable life-saving skills.  Workshops run with groups of 3-12 people and can be done in the comfort of your own home or we can arrange a place to practice.  All equipment will be brought to you.  The schedule is flexible - you decide when it works for you! ...days, evenings, or weekends!  Please email for more information.

Image by Brett Jordan
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